Activate to Release Tight Hip Flexors

Activate to Release Tight Hip Flexors

Release Tight Hip Flexors
Yin & Somatics

Yin & Somatics: Activate to Release Tight Hip Flexors

So many of us suffer with hip flexors that feel stiff, tight, sore or even painful. it’s not uncommon for me to encounter clients and students that are even plagued with a reduced range of motion and trouble fully extending the hip.

So it makes sense to just stretch right?

Though it seems plausable that lenghening what feels tight is the best course of action, the hip, the self are far to complicated to reduce this experience to just the state of our biological tissues.

So in this practice we will observe the biopsycosocial-spiritual nature of self. Rather than some stretches for the sensitive area, we will activate to release. In your practice, you will engage in myofascial release techniques, mobility drills and yes, yin yoga poses, to embed a profound sense of safety into the hips as well as a new confidence.

Props needed: Bolster, Blocks, Blanket

The Relationship between Yin Yoga and Traditional Chinese Medicine

The Relationship between Yin Yoga and Traditional Chinese Medicine

Yin Yoga for Neck Pain
A Conversation with Josh Summers

Harmonizing Body and Mind: The Relationship between Yin Yoga and Traditional Chinese Medicine

In this episode we peel back the layers of Eastern wisdom with our esteemed guest, Josh Summers.  Seasoned Yin teachers and novice practitioners alike will benefit from Josh’s perspective in this fascinating discussion.

Josh generously shares his insights on how Yin Yoga, when melded with TCM, can prepare the mind and body for deeper meditation. But we also recognize the challenges teachers face when trying to assimilate and impart this knowledge. Josh gives some great advice for teachers  who wish to honor this philosophy with authenticity while staying within their scope of practice.

In the final stretch of our conversation, we delve into the potent biopsychosocial model of pain in Chinese Medicine. We discuss how it addresses physical pain, often rooted in emotional trauma, and honors both physical and inner subjective experiences. We also illuminate how the practice of Yin Yoga can enhance the function of our integrated systems, improve circulation, reduce stress, and foster feelings of peace and joy. Lastly, but certainly not least, we examine the power of storytelling in Yin Yoga. Join us for this engaging conversation with Josh Summers, as we explore Yin Yoga and Traditional Chinese Medicine.

Benevolent Awareness for the Neck and Throat

Benevolent Awareness for the Neck and Throat

Yin Yoga for Neck Pain
Yin & Somatics

Benevolent Awareness for the Neck and Throat

Though the front of the neck and throat are only a  very small part of the physical body, they have an oversized role in self hood. This practice is amazing for my listeners with neck pain, but especially valuable for those of us who hold stress in the throat area.

In this gentle practice you will cultivate a benevolent awareness for the front of the neck and throat. My goal is to provide a profound sense of safety for any and all movements of the neck and expressions that come from the throat. You will also find that this class is incredibly soothing. Every time I teach it live, students fall asleep! So I can guarantee that the movements and breathing practices have a powerful effect on your parasympathetic nervous system.

If you have been looking for yoga for neck pain, be sure to save this practice!

Exploring Shoulder Anatomy

Exploring Shoulder Anatomy

Myofascial Release for the Shoulder
Yin & Myofascial Release

Exploring Shoulder Anatomy: A Deep Dive into Yin Yoga and Myofascial Release Techniques

You might think you know the intricacies of your shoulder anatomy, but this practice will take you to a depth of understanding that you’ve never reached before. We’re not just talking about the surface-level stuff; we’re diving right into the complex details of your shoulder anatomy. We’re also discussing how increased blood flow, nervous system benefits, and a temporary effect of increased muscle extensibility are the real benefits of the techniques we explore in this pod practice. In essence, we’re debunking some myofascial release myths while embracing the REAL benefits of these practices.

Anatomy Of The Shoulder – Experientially

We’re breaking down the anatomy of the shoulder, using traditional Yin Yoga postures, self  myofascial release techniques and breathing exercises, all designed to help you release tension gently through embodied awareness. For the the Yin Yoga teachers out there, this practice will amplify your knowledge of the shoulder anatomy in ways that reading a text book never could.

So join me for this pod practice and allow me to guide you on this intriguing exploration of your body’s shoulder anatomy through the lens of Yin Yoga and self-myofascial release techniques.

Props needed: bolster, blocks, blanket

Befriending the Hip: A Holistic Approach to Hip Tension

Befriending the Hip: A Holistic Approach to Hip Tension

Yin Yoga for Tight Hips
Yin &Pranayama

Befriending the Hip: A Holistic Approach to Hip Tension

Ever felt frustrated with persistent hip tension that just won’t go away? Ever wondered if there’s a simpler, more holistic way to relieve that discomfort? Today, we’re using the healing power of awareness in movement: Yin Yoga, to bring radical acceptance and relief to our bodies.  I’ll equip you with practical strategies to maximize your relaxation and release built-up tension not just for today, but more and more over time.

Radical Acceptance is a Catalyst for Lasting Relief

As you practice the postures, we’ll be using a simple breathing protocol to soothe and befriend your hips. By the end of our practice together, you’ll have developed a more comprehensive understanding of your hip tension and some strategies to overcome it.

Props needed: bolster, blocks, blanket