Yin & Pranayama: Expand Your Breathing Options

Yin & Pranayama: Expand Your Breathing Options

Upper Back Pain

Yin & Somatics

Thoracic Expression

This practice is a blend of Yin Yoga and pranayama with a bit of somatic work sprinkled in. We will explore a breathing practice that I learned from my mentor Neil Pearson that I call, Expand Your Breathing Options. 

As you engage in movement and awareness you will also contemplate the gift of breath. This is a practice that is ripe with opportunities to learn and grow.

Props needed: Bolster, blocks and blanket


Thoracic Expression

Thoracic Expression

Upper Back Pain

Yin & Somatics

Thoracic Expression

The upper back is an area that can be a big source of tension and even pain. We also have a fair amount of cultural baggage around the appropriate way to hold our upper back. Even in the Yoga world, we tend to favor a stiff and straight upper back above other shapes. But the upper back is capable of so much more, and I believe we suffer when we get locked in to a specific posture or expression. 

In this practice, we explore the capacity of the upper back to generate movements, sensations and even emotions. We will use a somatic lesson adapted from Feldenkrais Method® supported by familiar Yin Poses. Your upper back and neck will really benefit from this practice. 


Natural Energy

Natural Energy

Natural Energy

Yin & Pranayama

Natural Energy

We usually think of Yin as calming, soothing and down regulating. But with a few tweaks, we can cultivate a calm, natural energy as well. Not the jittery wired feeling you get from caffeine but a gentle boost, without the crash. 

Back in episode 7 in this 4th season, we discussed breathing techniques, science and how this all applies to Yin Yoga. Please have a listen to learn how you can apply use these techniques as well!

For this practice, I’ve applied pranayama that are known to increase sympathetic activation, gently, as well as a somatic practice. You will be amazed at how great you feel after just 25 minutes. 

All you NEED is a Yoga mat but some might also like to have a blanket for comfort.


Relieve Joint Stiffness and Pain

Relieve Joint Stiffness and Pain

Joint Stiffness and Pain in the Morning
Yin & Somatics

Relieve Joint Stiffness and Pain

It’s a familiar story but it breaks my heart every time. For people with chronic pain, just getting out of bed in the morning can be a real challenge. Though some joint stiffness in the morning is totally normal, debilitating pain that makes you dread getting up is not normal. 

There are so many reasons that pain may  be worse in the morning, and we can’t cover them all here, but we will address one reason here. I envision you doing this practice in your bed! Just roll over and hit play. 

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Hip Flexor Relief

Hip Flexor Relief

Yoga for Hip Flexor Release
Yin & Somatics

Hip Flexor Relief

The hip flexors are a group of muscles on the front of the hip which include the psoas, the illiacus and the rectus femoris. These muscles flex the hip, or draw the knee up toward the torso. However, a pain care approach will never reduce an issue to just one aspect of self such as certain muscles or tissues. So this practice makes use of several pain care strategies. We will explore hip flexor pain and stiffness through the lens of somatics, stretching, awareness, neuro motor training and regulation.

This practice is intended to provide quick relief, but also serve as a framework for ongoing care for this issue.

Props Needed: Bolster, Blocks, Blanket, Strap

Yin Yoga for Tight Hip Flexors