Hip Flexor Relief

Hip Flexor Relief

Yoga for Hip Flexor Release
Yin & Somatics

Hip Flexor Relief

The hip flexors are a group of muscles on the front of the hip which include the psoas, the illiacus and the rectus femoris. These muscles flex the hip, or draw the knee up toward the torso. However, a pain care approach will never reduce an issue to just one aspect of self such as certain muscles or tissues. So this practice makes use of several pain care strategies. We will explore hip flexor pain and stiffness through the lens of somatics, stretching, awareness, neuro motor training and regulation.

This practice is intended to provide quick relief, but also serve as a framework for ongoing care for this issue.

Props Needed: Bolster, Blocks, Blanket, Strap

Yin Yoga for Tight Hip Flexors

Heartfelt Good Wishes in Practice

Heartfelt Good Wishes in Practice

Pain Care Yoga

Yin & Meditation

Heartfelt Good Wishes

This movement practice is supported by a form of meditation known as a Koan. Essentially a line of inquiry that you explore quietly. This type of meditation can lead to profound insight and transformation. Your movement will focus on the lower body with a progressive sequence of twists. This is a sweet and inquisitive practice that will leave you feeling calm and centered. 

Props Neeeded: Bolster and blanket


Yin & Somatics for Gratitude

Yin & Somatics for Gratitude

Yoga for Chronic Pain

Yin & Somatics

for Gratitude

Gratitude is a practice just like any other. It requires effort, even when it’s challenging. But it’s worth it. People who commit to a more grateful existence experience better physical and mental health, more happiness and closer relationships. 

For this practice we will not look outside of self but deep within to the very building block of life, the cell. We will build a foundation of embodied gratitude FOR the body. This is a live practice event and is extended to provide plenty of time for you to marinade in the poses, the movements and the meditation. 

Props needed: Bolster, blocks, blanket and strap.

The information on this podcast is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this podcast is for general information purposes only.NEVER DISREGARD PROFESSIONAL MEDICAL ADVICE OR DELAY SEEKING MEDICAL TREATMENT BECAUSE OF SOMETHING YOU HAVE READ ON OR ACCESSED THROUGH THIS podcast.

Yin & Somatics for Falling Asleep

Yin & Somatics for Falling Asleep

Yoga for Insomnia

Yin & Somatics

for Falling Asleep

No human can survive without the ability to engage with the world. Our nervous systems are beautifully evolved to help us to attend to our survival needs by interacting with not just the objects and situations of the natural world, but also, other nervous systems.

But the opposite is true as well. No human can survive without the ability to disengage from the world. Our nervous systems evolved platforms to help us to release what is outside of us so that we may fulfill an essential need, sleep. But so many of us, can’t disengage. We spin and spin and never seem to find that deep and restorative sleep that we need to be our best. 

This practice incorporates a simple breathing practice with somatic movements and Yin poses to support falling asleep. Disengage from out there to within for a restful night of slumber.

Props needed: You can do this practice in your bed! If you do you will just need a couple of bed pillows. If you are practicing on your mat, please have a block and a blanket nearby.


The information on this podcast is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this podcast is for general information purposes only.NEVER DISREGARD PROFESSIONAL MEDICAL ADVICE OR DELAY SEEKING MEDICAL TREATMENT BECAUSE OF SOMETHING YOU HAVE READ ON OR ACCESSED THROUGH THIS podcast.

Rehabilitating the Body Image

Rehabilitating the Body Image

Yoga for Back Pain

 Yin & Somatics

Rehabilitating the Body Image

When people ask me for an elevator pitch about what I do, the quickest, most accurate answer that I can give, is that I rehabilitate body image. Most people believe that Pain Care Yoga is all about stretching. And yes, Yoga for pain care may include stretching, but it’s just one ingredient in a very complicated recipe. Each element is part of a process for building capacity and improving body image. This is a practice that includes all of the ways that I rehab body image; movement, stillness, awareness, and education. 

Our practice will focus on releasing the low back, hips and hamstrings. Some of the postures and propping strategies in the practice are a little different. So I have provided image gallery of the postures below.

Thank you to my friend Rachel for beautifully modeling these poses for us. 

Props Needed: Yoga bolster, 2 blocks and a blanket

The information on this podcast is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this podcast is for general information purposes only.NEVER DISREGARD PROFESSIONAL MEDICAL ADVICE OR DELAY SEEKING MEDICAL TREATMENT BECAUSE OF SOMETHING YOU HAVE READ ON OR ACCESSED THROUGH THIS podcast.